August 1

June 2023 newsletter : A breath for back pain


Are you someone who — like many of my clients — has that stubborn knot in your shoulder, at the base of your neck? This tension may reach down behind your shoulder blade or even up to trigger a headache.
One surprising way to help release that persistent pain is to practice long, complete exhales.For relief, try this: inhale fully over a count of four. Then exhale for longer — maybe six or eight seconds — until your lungs are completely empty. Repeat this pattern for two to four minutes.

Welcoming new life

I’m thrilled that I got to attend my first birth as a doula-in-training! What an exhausting, powerful, and awe-inspiring journey (even to this mom to two). I am honored and humbled to have helped welcome a new soul into the world, and I look forward to the next time I get to support someone through childbirth. Please let me know if you or someone you love could benefit from the help of a birth doula.


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